Angleton ISD 2019 Bond

The 2019 Bond will not increase the tax rate for Angleton ISD taxpayers because of industry growth within the AISD boundaries, and the overall impact on AISD property owners will be a 7-cent reduction in the school district tax rate due to new legislation.

Thank you for supporting AISD and investing in our children’s future by making sure they have access to the best education possible. Please continue to visit the 2019 Bond website for updates throughout the different stages of the bond process, and please let us know if you have any questions about the process.

Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

The purpose of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee shall be to review the status of capital projects, bond expenditures, project schedules and the timelines of bond projects.

The objective of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee is to ensure that taxpayer dollars are expended as dictated by the bond project list and are managed in the most efficient manner possible. The committee shall also evaluate any proposed changes to the scheduled project scope of work to the voter-approved bond program and communicate with the Board of Trustees as necessary.

The Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee shall be comprised of at least twelve (12) members that will be selected by the Superintendent. The committee members shall meet the following criteria:

  1.  Live in the boundaries of the school district; and

  2. Have expertise in the areas of finance, architecture, technology, project management; or

  3. Be an active member of a PTO or Booster Club; or

  4. Been a member of a district site-based committee.

The selected members will identify one person to serve as the co-chairman along with the district’s Chief Financial Officer. This selection will be done through nominations and ballots at the initial meeting in June and every three years for the duration of the committee.

The Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee shall meet at a minimum on a quarterly basis to review the progress of capital projects. The committee chairpersons will also provide a quarterly School Board report.

In the event a Member misses three (3) or more consecutive meetings, the co-chairs may, if deemed appropriate, ask for the resignation of that Member. If the Member does not resign upon request, then the co-chairs may place on the agenda an item to remove the member. The removal becomes effective upon majority approval of the committee members. However, it shall also be the practice of the committee to attempt to accommodate the schedules of its Members who demonstrate continuing interest in the affairs of the committee.

2019 Bond Advisory Committee Tour

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2019 Bond Advisory Committee Tour

2019 AISD Bond Referendum

The 2019 Bond will not increase the tax rate for Angleton ISD taxpayers because of industry growth within the AISD boundaries, and the overall impact on AISD property owners will be a 7-cent reduction in the school district tax rate due to new legislation.

The board approved the recommendations of the Bond Advisory Committee, a group of 27 community leaders, parents and local business owners from a diverse cross-section of the community. The committee met five times over three months to review the information provided by the school district and industry professionals, analyze current AISD facility conditions and needs, and tour other school districts’ facilities. They also provided input to district administration before ultimately finalizing which projects would be presented to the school board for consideration as part of the bond referendum.

The $90 million in bonded debt can be raised without increasing a household’s property tax rate.

You can use this website to view committee meeting updates, presentations, election details, construction updates, timelines, and frequently asked questions.

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